Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Taurus 26 = South Node, Alekto (Algol) and on darkness and Furies

KEYNOTE: Peaceful adaptation to collective needs.

I have to admit that the Sabian for this eludes me a tiny bit if taking into account the contact to Algol, the Fixed star with the worst reputation, in conjunction to the Fury Alekto. I used to say that there were reasons why I could not focus on news about certain types of things too much because it brought out the Nemesis with a sickle wanting to go rampant on men committing war atrocities and the sort, especially the things perpetrated on women just to assert power, dominance and to negate the humanness of someone from the other side. However, with the discovery of Alekto on the South Node conjunct Algol, it seemed to be more in Alekto's territory than Nemesis with her punishments for going against the gods.

So whatever people's fears over Algol, the Medusa's Head, and its reputation, I fully own to having far too easy access to Alekto with her scorpion whip to punish anyone transgressing and try to deliberately steer clear of it because it is in reach just like that. It is what you come with, whatever people also say of the South Node hinting at past lives, and what monstrosities you may have perpetrated yourself with contact to Algol. It's the past, not the future, nothing to fear in it unless you ignore it fully and thus fall victim to it. Maybe it's the Scorpio North Node as well, not fearing to walk into the darkness because it's necessary, but what you have for the Taurean position seems to reflect parts of the Scorpio side more than some of the rest of it, making it difficult to tell which end of the nodes you're working with the scorpion whip at this end as well.

I have Jabberwocky at 25 degrees and Charybdis at 27 Taurus, so my South Node is surrounded by monsters of all sorts. You go too far into the region's fury and Charybdis will swallow you whole.

So in a way it makes perfect sense for the South Node to be about the need for a peaceful adaptation to collective needs. If you do not have that and know it via perhaps not having kept to it in the past, Alekto makes sure to guard against trespassing against what is fit for human behaviour. The Sabian and what is present there are at the opposite ends and I imagine it's not something that seems an easy placement to someone who doesn't have it. It's always been there for me so I wouldn't know otherwise. It's part of who you are, where you come from.

Alekto translates into English as "the implacable or unceasing anger" and Wikipedia describes her as having the "job of castigating the moral crimes (such as anger), especially if they are against other people". You may see how I'm well guarded against Algol South Node. I have my very own guardian for punishment should I digress too far to crimes against people, including anger. Mine tends to be more the flaring type than lasting sorts in any case. Hate, jealousy and the sort poison you and my self-preservation instincts tend to kick in sooner or later just to get rid of the poisons. Or so the theory goes, and what you hope to adhere to and go with more than what will kill you, on one level or another.

Which I imagine is how you take the Furies Alekto, Megaira and Tisiphone in any chart. They are there to tie you to what is right, no matter how horrendous the image or what you suffer through one, or all. You wrong, you suffer the consequences and pay the price.

Everybody has the Furies somewhere, same as Lucifer, Tezcatlipoca, Apophis or other more or less dark influences. It's what you do with them that makes the difference. The darkness is there for you to nod at and walk toward wherever it's lighter. You tend to see better once or if you do. If there is no light, people normally try sleeping during such times. Maybe it'll be brighter after you get some shut-eye. Or you'll notice that you close your eyes to such darkness every day already, anyway, and know you have to live with whatever the darkness of your mind conjures up already in any case. Why would the dark outside be much different to live with?

I believe there's a fitting quote from one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels in relation to the witch Granny Weatherwax. I cannot quote verbatim, but she was fully aware that there were things that went bump in the night, or were dangerous in the woods, and secure in her knowledge that she was one of them. To not give the wrong impression to anyone unfamiliar with the books, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone more intent on using it right for the proper social order of things than Mistress Weatherwax. Medusa never looked in the mirror I imagine, but sometimes you know you're capable of acting monstrously or badly even without that and correct strongly through the knowledge.

If you cannot change the circumstances, maybe you need to live with them instead. If you can change something to see better by walking toward the light, what are you doing still hanging around for?

To put it another way, I have to quote Yoda from the Star Wars movies. "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." You may give your power to the dark, or move beyond it by working it through, one way or another.

There is another telling scene in the Empire Strikes Back movie. Luke Skywalker asks Yoda what is in a dark tree cave he is to enter and Yoda notes "Only what you bring with you". Luke brings his lightsaber for supposed defence despite Yoda's advice that he will not need it, and faces his past and potential future in the face of his fear, Darth Vader. Sometimes there are things that you have to let go of to not become the monster feared. Sometimes you already are the unceasingly angry Alekto and need to walk away from her as well to not fall prey to her punishment.

On other fronts tying to the cheerful notes about Algol and Taurus ruling the throat and the neck, strangulations have been mentioned on some sites. I have a fondness for polo-necked shirts, but never like them so tight around the neck and thus always ruin the collars by pulling them looser. And is Algol fond of gallows humour?

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