Saturday, November 20, 2010

Leo 6 = Ascendant, Taranis, Enya, Philia

My Ascendant is 6 Leo 53' 21". To quote the Khaldea site on Sabian symbols again, we get the following description.

KEYNOTE: The power of basic spiritual values which refer to man's common humanity and to all enduring archetypes.

Every people on this Earth has developed the concept of constellations, probably because of a need to find order in existence and to personalize everything that could be given a permanent form. Such personalizations can be called "psychic projections," but the projection concept should be worked out both ways. If man projects his basic human nature upon the star-filled night sky, is it not just as logical to say that the universe projects its own forever-evolving patterns of order upon human nature? In either case we deal with archetypal factors which endure through a long series of generations.
The Keyword here is PERMANENCE."
Even without the interpretation below the Keynote line, as someone interested in astrology from at least the age of nine, to discover that your Ascendant is based on the constellations in the night seems nothing but right. As with the Sun's Sabian symbol, there is a feeling of familiarity and rightness for things.

To put it otherwise, would you take into consideration the astrological views of someone with their Ascendant on the symbolic constellations? ;) I'm personally starting to consider it.

I have a Mutable Grand Cross and other patterns galore going on in my chart as well as some other things that potentially add to my restlessness or unsettledness in interests or focuses, but throughout the years there has generally remained an interest in astrology. Cyclical as things always tend to be with me, with any returns to things leading the spiral deeper or further into whatever it is, astrology has seemed to have the most depth or the most to study or look into.

I do love the stars in the night sky in general though and astrophysics seemed interesting when I was in my late teens, but I move more on symbolic fronts.

Other than my Ascendant, at current I only remember 5370 Taranis, 6433 Enya and 280 Philia for other things present at 6 Leo. Taranis is 14 minutes away from the AC, the rest I don't recall right now. A thunder god with the wheel symbol prominent in his imagery, you could probably spin a lot out of that. I'll however not try to reinvent the wheel and go with what I recall from M.A. Holmes's description tying Taranis with technology, especially communications. I do like computers and robots if nothing else, and would love a proper space exploration program, even if it's limited to the closest things in our solar system for now. All that is meaningless when I like a zillion other things as well, but exists in any case.

On another note, there is nothing quite like lightning in the night sky. A glorious view.

Enya comes from the Irish singer Enya, "little fire", but is interpreted by me also to refer to the goddess Enyo or Enyalius through her being the Greek counterpart of Bellona, which is opposite my Sun/Moon midpoint. There probably is an Irish connection as well, but I haven't looked into that side for me personally. Enyo is "warlike", described as "supreme in war", and I suspect I may come off as seeming more belligerent than I expect through her and Bellona.

Enya may suggest something more ethereal as well given the singer's otherworldly style. I would need to look at it in the charts of people who do not have Bellona and other things positioned strongly to compare whether the goddess or mortal wins, or if both potentials feature with Enya. I remember Enya the best from her "Sail away" hit, but as she also featured for the Lord of the Rings movie music, there seems to be a strong instinctual connection to sailing to other worlds beyond this one. I also assume Celtic music may feature.

Philia is Brotherly Love, including that even of fellow voyagers. The direct link may or may not work, but Google "Philia asteroid" and the top result should lead you to a book with talk about it. The following is from Wikipedia however.

"Thus acts of philia might seem to be essentially egoistic, performed apparently to help others, but in fact intended to increase the agent's happiness. This, however, confuses the nature of the action with its motivation; the good person doesn't perform an action to help a friend because it will give her fulfillment; she performs it in order to help the friend, and in performing it makes both her friend and herself happy. The action is thus good both in itself and for the effect it has on the agent's happiness."

Other than those, at least my draconic chart MC, Desdemona and Midsomer Norton fall on 6 degrees Leo. More of those once I get to early Aries.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of astrology. The stars are there for everyone. Why try to keep them to myself?

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