Saturday, November 20, 2010

But why would it work? Why would you care, if it works?

I recently read someone say something about how since there are thousands of small asteroids and other objects being found in the solar system all the time, they cannot have any significance in anybody's astrological charts. I instinctively disagree. It's not the researched approach, but to me the appearance and inclusion by some of such things in their astrological work reflects the world as it is these days.

We are no longer merely about the big things. We have an increasingly fractured world that specializes and turns into specific niches more and more. How wouldn't the asteroids, centaurs and Kuiper belt objects fit into astrology for a world like that?

Not everybody responds to everything in the world either. We don't all need to respond to everything, do we? We reflect different things or levels, whatever you want to call it. Basically, as the argument goes that nothing up there can have any influence on people in any case, why are you dismissing the asteroids simply because there are so many of them to deal with? If Fixed Stars have influence, why not a rock a few kilometres wide somewhat closer, IF anything of the sort is taken to have any influence at all?

My main approach is "If it works, it works". I don't necessarily care why, I just want to look at if it works in similar fashions for large groups of people otherwise as well. If it doesn't for everybody, then it doesn't. If it works for a large group even so, then it works for them. Since I don't have large groups of people at hand, I'm forced to start from my perspective first. The rest of the work can follow when it can.

I know how subjective symbolic interpretation can get with Tarot cards or more, but am more on the "working on subjective levels" sides when it comes to focus on people. Who am I to judge another religion than whatever mine might be working deeply for another person, or belief in the football season being the light of someone else's life?

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