The Sabian symbol for Leo 29 is below. I have quoted some of the text from a Dane Rudhyar/Astrological mandala site that comes up among the first options when googling Sabian symbols.
PHASE 149 (LEO 29°): A MERMAID EMERGES FROM THE OCEAN WAVES READY FOR REBIRTH IN HUMAN FORM.I'm talking Cortina first because while people say that planets within 17 minutes of the Sun are purified Cazimi ones, I have Cortina 17 seconds conjunct my Sun.
KEYNOTE: The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.
"The mermaid personifies a stage of awareness still partially enveloped by the ever-moving and ever-elusive ocean of the collective Unconscious, yet already half formulated by the conscious mind.
Cortina gets interpreted by me through the Regulus conjunction of the late Leo degrees. Regulus, the heart of the lion, Cor Lionis or something of the sort as listed on sites about Fixed stars. Cor Tina, the heart of Tina then, ignoring the actual meaning further below. The name has some meaning to me on personal levels, yes, should you be wondering. Tina stems primarily from Christina and Christine, meaning a Christian person.
Alternatively, Cor Tina for a heart of tin? The word also sounds like "court in a" or even "courting a (something)". Or Ford Cortina cars, at a pinch. Which would you prefer? Given the Cor-Heart interpretation, should we be looking at the heart of Christianity through the positions of Cortina? Mother Theresa had Cortina 1 degree conjunct her Sun likewise, if going by a chart and time found from Google.
Cortina as an asteroid is supposed to tie to the Cortina d'Ampezzo Italian mountain holiday resort and was discovered by an observatory in the area, but for now I'm not feeling connections to the place in my case. I'd need to look into the 1956 winter Olympics having been held there as well though, same as some James Bond movie connection, but as I dislike winter as it manifests in Northern countries or high-altitude mountainous regions, I am not entirely or necessarily at ease with the heart of winter the closest to my Sun. It might reflect Louhi coming from the North as well perhaps, but I would need to think more closely on it to say more in this case.
I do however find it interesting that Wikipedia has "German: Hayden" listed for its name. Cortina d'Ampezzo is supposed to mean "Graveyard of Ampezzo" if you trust the Wikipedia article. My first mental connection from the German name is haven, and it suits my image of graveyards as well. I've always found them highly peaceful and resonating places for the most part. They have history and depth.
The coat of arms appears to have a tower with two fir trees on both sides of it. Towers and that I may relate to, mountains, not particularly. Being encircled and closed in 360 degrees by the Dolomites or any other mountains does not seem an ideal scenario to me, but may reflect something of Cortina's nature then. A valley surrounded on all sides? Is this death or the grave, peace with no apparent out? But why would you want out either - or - you need to pass the mountains to get out? I wouldn't know. The place itself comes with the valley and holiday resort in any case, so is more pleasant in associations despite everything people may fear about graveyards.
Cortina translates to curtain, screen or hanging on Google, so either the Sun gets behind and past anything of the sort to shine and illuminate things even so, or everything shines through a shimmering pair of curtains or is screened. Something screened would correlate with things buried in the graveyard of the Cortina d'Ampezzo village translation. Otherwise, something either hangs in the way or provides shade.
Pecker I believe gets known through the colloquial meanings. We are talking dick here, if you'll pardon my French. From what I recall, there was a site somewhere that spent a long time analyzing the position of relevant asteroids in the chart of Bill Clinton, Pecker being one of the ones featured in relation to his scandals.
I am female, the Sun is said to tie to the masculine forces in the chart. That I'm heterosexual has no bearing on Pecker's position, but I do happen to be that, yes. I may go into some of the asteroids that refer to the male member at some stage in any case, given the connection, while also noting that none seem to exist in asteroids in relation to female anatomy. Even if going by mere surnames of scientists that happen to match slang words for penis.
Noblesse oblige, Pecker must in any case?
In this case I also see Pecker as being a joke of the universe. Things that are one thing but get understood or seen as something else simply because the masses titter over such a thing as their joke. Reinterpretations of meanings happening whether it actually has anything to do with the subject matter or not.
There is also pecking at things, keeping poking at them? Woodpecker becomes the Sun-pecker in my case.
I slightly disagree with what I recently read about the asteroid Tutenchamun being strongly positioned in a person's chart denoting their interest in Egyptology from the archaeological or "grave-digging" point of view. It may in part and in my case seems to tie to (metaphorical) graves and poking at things, but the popular image of Tutenchamun or Tutankhamen is still the glorious gold and blue death mask everybody sees pictures of sooner or later in their lives. That is what he's primarily about to people. Gold and thus far the most glorious discovery of Egyptology throughout time. Pomp. The big thing, the showiest or grandest thing there is.
Then again, it is conjunct my Leo Sun and a Cazimi one by 5-6 minutes, so you may have to excuse my grandiosity coming in the way of everything else.
Most people don't think about Tut having been so young even when he died, or that he was a minor pharaoh compared to some of the most accomplished or glorious ones. Tutankhamen is less than we understand him to be, but a vision of a luxurious world gone all too long ago. He is a gift from the past, something kept secret through time until the time to discover the tomb? After that, he becomes one of the main symbols for what he relates to. Egyptology on the whole in general, but if such symbolic leaps were to hold otherwise as well, well, who knows?
Louhi is a matriarch and mistress or ruler of the North in the Finnish national epic Kalevala. The heroes of Kalevala come to her land to court her daughter and she sets them tasks in the typical mythological story pattern. I'm currently not sure how exactly she's involved with magic aside from having the power to lock away both the Sun and the Moon in a nigh Amaterasu-deal in a cave, but apparently she has power of some sort even on other magical fronts. Especially with frost and cold and shape-shifting. With my Moon 2 degree orb opposite my Sun conjunct Louhi, she seems significantly positioned.
One thing she asks from the heroes is for them to make her the Sampo, which is some sort of a mill for three types of riches. However, when her daughter prefers a younger and better looking suitor to the old wizard and whoever it was, the "heroes" take a grudge to her having the riches and steal the Sampo and run off. She transforms into some sort of a big bird creature and flies after them, and in the ensuing battle, the Sampo thing is lost into the sea. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is still a better option than her letting the "heroes" have it willy-nilly.
The asteroid Louhi could thus denote a position of female power and asking for things in return for something, but with the potential of others not liking your having them in the end and having to fight for it?
So we have doubly the hearts of things or "court in a" Regulus Leo Sun in conjunction to something peckish, or peckerish in dishes perhaps reinterpreted, a grandiose vision of a king from something long gone, and a witch of transformations and enchantments ruling the North, willing to fight for what she sees as hers. I think I'm cool with that. ;)
However, for potential dangers inherent, there is the fact that with so much for the Sun, the ego, you, when the Sun is also said to reflect a part of what a woman wants in their men, who would ever do for such a mate? I don't know of Louhi having a partner or consort named either, although I could be wrong.
There is in any case the imagery of changing shape and asking for something to be put into form to benefit and bring riches to you and your people, even with the danger of losing it into the depths of the sea if stolen and there is a contest for it. With the Sabian symbol having a mermaid and an interpretation talking of the sea "of the collective Unconscious", you could take such things as symbolically "potent-full". It's also reflected in what the posts are in a way, taking inklings and trying to put them into shape.
Io was a nymph of Hera's who caught the eye of Zeus and despite at least initially resisting, was seduced (?) by Zeus in the shape of a cloud. She was then changed into a cow to hide things from Hera. Because of Hera's jealousy or wrath she ended up driven to and plagued in Egypt for a long time before an eventual return to humanoid form. She's apparently known as "the horned virgin".
Without any of that, my first thought of Io is the Io9 website with their more science fiction related talk. There appears to be a theme of shape-changing with her as well in any case, and if you like, a king of gods for a lover, although causing you harm more so. I don't think I have a handle on Io for the moment though, although considered her as a stand-in for Iole in relation to Herakles at one stage, there appearing to be no asteroid named Iole that would correspond to the highly archetypal energies from the myth missing for now. Her story is fascinating and you should look it up sometime.
Louhi is also alleged to refer to an underworld goddess Loviatar, the Kalevala epic having been sewn together from bits and pieces by the gatherer Lönnrot. I find this significant only because Cortina apparently means graveyard and I have Tutenchamun conjunct those two. Three things that could relate to something buried or under the surface, dug out or otherwise. If the Sun brings light to or purifies that with which it is conjunct, dead or buried things (of or with power?) or the subconscious seem lit up or burning with solar fusion in my case then. Or maybe I should consider a career in undertaking, wrong direction as it seems with all that. I'm choosing to ignore that Io got harassed into Egypt for another connection to Tut, for now.
Having since first writing these read Mark Andrew Holmes's views on some asteroids, it appears there are certain similarities between what I felt for Tutenchamun and what he notes for that particular asteroid. He lists "service, awareness of something missing, environmentalism, failure to pay attention" for Huya, "a god of the Wayuu Indians of northwestern Venezuela and northeastern Colombia who is associated with the rainy season". I'm not entirely sure what to make of all the aspects listed at the site though when mine comes with the Sun and thus seems automatically more whatever than anything listed there.
Huya is right at the end of the degree, 59' past it. I know there are a lot of things missing, but I assume one doesn't need Huya to tell you such things. Cortina d'Ampezzo's Wiki-article noted the water sources as well, but I also doubt my particular connection makes for generic ones. I have served and find it a noble enough in its own way, depending on the type of service. I don't agree with all angles of everything I've read at the site thus far, but have no information beyond that to say anything about Huya even on instinctual guess levels for starting points.
Huya is however a plutino, tied to Neptune, so there is a watery connection through that in its way as well. It's big and it should be noted, but we haven't seemed to figure out how yet. "Juyá — god of rain, a warrior, hunter, seducer and inhabitant of “the place beyond the Sun.”"
That it's on the mermaid Sabian degree however, well, that is entirely up to you in interpretations again. If you think I've missed something as well, please comment or email me with more insights.
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