Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cancer 16 = Lucifer, Tezcatlipoca, Briseis, Sophrosyne

I appear to be treating some of these more akin meditative stories to write to transform or actualize the potential in whatever combination of asteroids matching whichever Sabian symbol or sign. I can only hope that to be an approach which helps the potential others reading, too, in suggesting ways for people to write their own life stories out of their respective asteroid or chart combinations, too. Once you see what the potentials are, you can move toward fulfilling them in ways you desire.

As already seen through two of the Furies, I have little choice and cannot ignore the darker aspects of asteroids. Everybody has them, but for some people some of the ones with a bad reputation feature more prominently. So I thought I'd tackle two more ominous-sounding ones given the Sabian in relation to the potential mentioned.

KEYNOTE: The life urge to actualize one's birth potential.

1980 Tezcatlipoca is the Mayan god of darkness and a counterpart for his light twin Quetzalcoatl. The name "smoking mirror" alludes to his magician and diviner side through the mirror of obsidian used for seeing things. It also points out something about seeing things not yet there. It's easier to discern what it is against a dark background. Staring into the light just makes you blind and leads to a darkness of other sorts. You may see the afterimages for a while, but again, they're set against a darker background.

However, Mark Andrew Holmes suggests Tezcatlipoca stands for "darkness, scheming, giving without taking; criminal, evil, predatory or antisocial behavior; the occult, materialism, opportunism; the anti-hero, the sorcerer or other individual who considers himself or herself above the written and unwritten laws that govern human conduct." Combine that with the most ominous figure from Christian lore, Lucifer the Light-Bringer, the proudest of the host of angels, the first among the Fallen, and it's not a pretty picture, is it?

While I writing this don't have handy links about the potentials inherent in the asteroid 1930 Lucifer in anyone's chart, I know there are pages where they're discussed. You can go two routes with Lucifer, like with most things. You can get stuck in the lower patterns or you can elevate it to a better force in your life.

Everyone has Lucifer, everyone has Tezcatlipoca, like I wrote in relation to Alekto already. Tezcatlipoca is the other creator of the Mayan universe and a powerful figure in his own right if not merely compared against his lighter, "good" twin. There are situations where opportunism will save or help you. Scheming may save you a lot of work under certain circumstances, whatever people think about it.

Let's take Tezcatlipoca scheming in today's PR-oriented world. Quetzalcoatl needs to be taken down a peg, doesn't he? What to do, what to do? I know. Quetzalcoatl is known as the Feathered Serpent. Serpents are evil to Christians, so surely he's evil as well then. All I need to do is sell that to unsuspecting folks, and I'm sorted.

And maybe shine up my own image a little. Damn darkness and its bad rap.

Actually, please don't take that as an example of what Tezcatlipoca would think or do, since I'm sure he would resort to something better than my limited examples. The example may however work as one for how Lucifer conjunct that in connection to 134 Sophrosyne while sextile Mercury may show up. Meet the quintessential spin doctor.

Sophrosyne stands for the virtue of "equanimity, healthy mind and impartiality" and is suggested to be the antonym for hubris, something for which Lucifer may be said to have fallen. If you put together the two ends and mix in pure opportunism and considering yourself above laws, you may start reading laws and behaviours like the devil reads the bible, as the saying goes. After all, is it not more impartial to point out the flaws of the traditionally good to balance the field, too? What is good and is everything wholly evil in the end?

That's one way of going about it with influences from the asteroids combined. Sophrosyne may never function as purely as in conjunction to a more congenial asteroid to complement its influences, but it also does not merely mean an interpretation like the above -which still has its own validity at least to every Libra who ever lived and pondered similar things. ;)

Lucifer may shine and Sophrosyne influencing it with her "healthy mind" may help in the process. Letting go of pride leading to hubris can be a very difficult process, but one that a combination like the above may also lead to. Actualizing your birth potential to the max accepts no less, although again has to fight against pridefulness creeping in.

Still, as the Rudhyar-related description of the Sabian also suggests, seeds grow in the dark of the earth and cannot reach for the light without that period. "The Keyword is GROWTH" says it all. From darkness to light, whatever is in you will grow and show according to how you feed it. Sometimes you don't even know what the seed is and what the fruits or flowers you'll end up with.

On a more interpersonal level, I also have long term experience with Lucifer and this degree in synastry. My father's Ascendant falls here as well. It is in a way a family crisis point or something that gets emphasized one way or another in all our charts, my mother having Uranus near to stir up things all the more and my brother his Sun. I get to play the Lucifer-asteroid side in the pot.

With the following quick recap of aspects, you can probably imagine certain versions of interactions in any case. My father is a triple Aries (Sun, Moon, Venus) with my Pluto opposite both his Sun and Moon. He has a T-square with his Aries luminaries opposing Chiron square Saturn following his Ascendant. I have a massive amount of guardian type "Good vibes, here to help" asteroids where his retrograde Pluto falls. If you put any heed to karmic relationships, it's probably not a stretch to see a heavily karmic relationship played out with some of the things present.

Somebody's got to live through all that as well? It's been "interesting"? What does one say? Lucifer is Work In Progress and while there may have been growth and much more still to come on such fronts should we simply survive through it, it can be a bit of a difficult one to make shine if it features strongly. Unfortunately in such cases, you rarely have a choice about it.

Sometimes knowing what you need to do isn't as easy to put into action as you may hope. Sometimes you see the patterns and still haven't enough clues how to get past near shell-shocked responses to past traumas. They do however say that knowing is half the battle and forewarned is forearmed or some such things, so I'll take my weapons and.. try not to use them. Sophrosyne may prefer that.

P.S. of sorts once back to online access again... I see that Evolutionary Astrology was one place where I read about Lucifer in the past. Tom Jacobs refers to it as an "inner goodness barometer" and talks about it being "the voice of doubt in us all" elsewhere, learning ourselves what works for us.

Leo 26 = Karma, NOT, Lie, Smolders, Tisiphone, Eros/Psyche MP

Exact squares to the nodes are said to be a crisis points of sorts for us. I see them as a seesaw that swings you in one direction and the other depending on your circumstances and what is there. You may have the ruler of your North Node square the Nodes and be able to use it to take a step closer to the NN's energies with more square-given force than you otherwise may have, or it may tie you to something else in your chart for you to digest before you can get a better alignment with the Nodal axis.

As may be apparent from the subject line already, I happen to have 3811 Karma square the said-to-be-highly-karmic nodes. Proponents of past life theories tell me this suggests messing up in the past (big time, with Algol on South Node), but the trouble with past life views is always that they barely ever tell you anything useful for your current life to live.

Which part of what do you weigh the most? Do you look at the reasonably "Play and have fun, love like a true Leo should" lesson of the sign and the North Node in fifth house, or go into numerology saying such Leo-flattering good things about the number 22 for a birth date in relation to what you through that would supposedly have earned in a past life already? Which is it, grand things in the most immediately past life, or horrendous ones? What are you going to weigh and what matters to you? That part is always up to the person with the chart looked at, no matter what astrology or other things suggest.

Chiron and Neptune currently oppose Karma square the Nodes again, too, making a Grand Cross of it all. I'm defying a transit-description suggesting not to look at astrology at all while Neptune opposes the Sun, with "nothing seeming clear" or whatever your easy description of it all. I defied it even by beginning something when the Sun transited my natal Neptune, a degree before my draconic Ascendant. I defied it even with Atropos right opposite the degree.

Klotho is in Pisces, same as my Moon, I'll be damned if I lose out on Neptune conjunct BAM conjunct draconic Gold near the draconic Ascendant simply because I should somehow be muddled up by transiting Neptune. It's my time now. I have work to do. I can't afford to wait for your supposedly messy transits to pass. Transiting Node is conjunct my draconic Sun, I'm not waiting when there are transits to Karma, even with the natal Sun to come, again.

The Sabian symbol as per the site I keep linking to (Google Phase 147 + Sabian) suggests the following for the currently opposed Leo 26 in any case.

KEYNOTE: The exalting challenge of new opportunities at the threshold of a new cycle.
"...every day has its dawn, which we should meet with a pure heart and a clear mind. Alpha (dawn) and omega (the concluding peak experience) are opposites, yet the same."
The Keyword here is ILLUMINATION.
It's my time now. Whether on a more transient level or if looking at whatever opportunities the asteroids stashed at the degree offer, it is time for a new beginning.

This, unless of course you take the asteroid 2857 NOT to suggest an empathetic no as some have said, and it all to be a (26955) Lie on top. It's possible to lie to yourself and to say no to what should really be in your cards, your illumination, in so many ways, after all. 10983 Smolders will keep Karma smouldering somewhere on the afterburner, or whatever your mental image of choice, but you tell yourself it's all a lie and say no even so.

Or maybe you choose to say no to the lie and work on the step toward the North Node right from the start. After all, you chose to have something smouldering on the very degree where you parked the midpoint of your Eros and Psyche, all adding to the Leonine fifth house type love lessons to adhere to if you like. Maybe you fluctuate between the South and North node and it's a bit of both.

Whatever it is, it comes with the eventual dawn illuminating everything, one way or another. It may take a while for the Sun to rise, but it is still only two degrees away, rising from the seas of the subconscious. Sooner or later, it will rise.

And what of 466 Tisiphone then? One of the furious sisters, Alekto, was already on the South Node, and now the karmic lesson comes with the Fury known for avenging murders in the midpoint between the nodes? As I said, a girl's gotta have them somewhere. If you're going to say no to lies, you might as well say no to murders as well. There is no killing Karma or its lessons this time around, or Tisiphone will come after you. You probably don't want to deal with her too closely with that nasty-seeming habit of not taking trespasses well. Even when it's quite probable that one shouldn't take well trespasses or killing what should live, as there are always reasons for the Furies to react.

If the Furies, Erinyes, are to be taken as the angry ghosts of the past, it's time to settle and placate them. Whatever the wrongs of the past, generations down even their vengefulness could be risen above and moved past.

There are other interpretations as well, but I have run into all too many people lamenting astrology's seeming negativity to opt for lesser things here. You choose the positions, you choose how you deal with or manifest what is out there. The degree seems to matter more than some other ones based on the couple of hundred asteroids checked so far, since it has several asteroids on it to amplify the message, but how you receive and interpret the message and what you do with it once you have it is up to you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Scorpio 26 = North Node, Pele, Angelica

I have 2202 Pele and 965 Angelica 50 seconds apart at 47' past, so to speak. Pele is a Hawaiian volcano goddess known for some volatility and creation of the lands through whatever spews out, so there is a certain amount of mirroring to Alekto with the anger on the South Node perhaps. Neither process seems particularly controlled at least to outsiders. Pele does not seem exactly a shy one, which would go with the following description for the Sabian degree.

KEYNOTE: The aggressive glorification of cultural values.
...swells with pride and excitement when a display of the excellence of that in which his consciousness and personality are deeply rooted is publicly affirmed."
Let's get ready to rumble. I am woman, hear me roar. What the South Node's Sabian took peacefully as adjustment to the social order, even if through reminders that to do otherwise would be to invoke monsters to deal with, the North Node wants to let rip with and start the party with a bang, lest everyone not notice?

A low Scorpio here might sting to get your attention, what is described as the phoenix side of Scorpio on Elizabeth Spring's North Node blog may pull a flashy burn to catch your attention, and the eagle soars in your line of sight with a screech for attention? That it's Angelica on the degree would suggest at least the potential for the eagle heights, but cannot really be determined by me.

It is in any case fitting to have an influence akin Angelica opposite what the South Node is maybe even burdened with. If what you are to begin with is the monsters, there is nothing to transform into but the opposite. It is not 11911 Angel or other asteroids said to influence certain good things, but I believe the name means "angel-like" in any case. Lucifer was the brightest before his fall, there being no distinction between the two ends in some ways. Both are yours, whether you accept them or not.

I think the difficulty I have with the North Node is that people say it should be difficult to reach or sustain. Pele brings fire forth from the earth, as if transforming that matter to something else, and you have Leo fire by nature. The South Node is in earthy Taurus, so whatever matter there is there gets transmuted to the Scorpio phoenix reflecting the burn in other parts of the chart as if automatically. Given that there are significant nodal transits going on currently and to come, I figure I cannot have even half of all that the Scorpio North Node entails figured out, but being a Leo obviously lap up the latter part of the Sabian symbol's description, too. Affirm me, lavish the ego, join in the talk about that which you like.

Pluto rules Scorpio and mine is in my 4th house loosely conjunct the IC and trine Mars, which shares South Node's 11th house. The 8th house is in Aquarius, playing with the fixed signs and the opposition to Leo likewise when the North Node is in Leo's favourite, the 5th house. If Pluto goes deep, mine is already at the root of things. Transformations are at the basis of your being to some extent, whether that helps with a Scorpio North Node or not. I should imagine it would.

It gets difficult to figure out what you're doing wrong (or right?) when posts like that Elizabeth Spring one suggest giving up on the materialistic side, when there was never much chance to get started on such things in the first place. Oh, there are issues about security alright, but when it's more akin moving on the NN's side most of your life without even getting to specifically try the Taurean flavours, you end up asking questions about if you then missed something that you supposedly should have been focused on for at least the first thirty-odd years of your life before being even able to begin on the other side. What are you doing wrong, or what did you supposedly do right early on then? Or is it mere appearances and you still stuck at Taurus without even realizing?

To illustrate and compare to what the post remarks upon, I have moved from one place to another without that many possessions practically all my adult life. I saw the benefit of going to the movies alone long ago, when you preferred sitting at the front to fully enmesh yourself in the experience in any case, and were not willing to wait until someone else would bother to deign to grace you with going to the movies with you, or your missing out on something someone else might not want to see. I moved abroad without many ties, generally free to go wherever I liked apart from the restrictions of work. I'm now told these are all actually Scorpio North Node things (and not just you being bloody independent, on some levels).

The Scorpio underbelly I already long ago knew about and shrugged and got along living with since it was there in any case, but the rest being Scorpio NN as well? Hmh. I've seen and felt poisonous Scorpio Ascendants with a Scorpio NN likewise, and always felt their stinging moves beneath me, no matter how effective the hurts from them, of course. It is to use any means necessary to strike where the vulnerability is, after all.

You rather stayed quiet, even when it worked against you. Leo dignity does not lower itself to saying certain things, even when it's other people's misunderstandings that reflect badly upon you. Or is that Scorpio silence then supposedly? Whether the volcano-like snap of an effect once you'd had enough was the same as the stings or Pele's volcano having had enough pressure is difficult to gauge likewise. There was no malice in those moves, they were simply final straws after not answering taunts or bear-baiting for long enough. If people don't otherwise get that stopping is the right thing to do and people-baiting likely to not end well, eventually they pay the price for it and have to be stopped, one way or another. Action, reaction.

You never quite approved of the martyr-acts pulled once you finally had made a move either. You get what is coming to you, sooner or later. If you cannot deal with or live with the consequences of your moves, don't make the moves then. If you don't have the forward wisdom to know if you can live with something, prepare for whatever amount of work until you can, or don't make the move, again.

The reaction seems more Taurean on some levels, so again, where do you really reside in the end when someone describes your natural moves in the world as highly "NN in Scorpio", but that then leaves you not knowing where precisely the South Node's Taurean influence would have featured? There is the craving for security also on Leonian fronts, but something like that was never enough to stay you when you absolutely had to fly, even if you'd had to corner yourself into having to make the move through having no alternative. You die in place or you move, jump off the cliff or fly, whatever you want to call it. Usually it was trying to be sensible that always turned out to be the bad thing to do from a personal well-being level.

In any case, because the final reactions from your side can seem excessive, the volcano needs steady de-pressurising and letting out steam to control it. Venting about everyday irritations seems a better option than slowly gathering up an eruption. Presumably the "mission" is to reach Angelica's levels once enough work through things like that has happened, keeping the best of Pele's primal creativity, but that side clearly still needs work. Angels were a fearsome army of God and we are specifically reminded not to be afraid that time every time we encounter them in the Bible, so it is not entirely alien energy to Scorpio, but to keep the good while burning out the rest is hard for humans to keep up constantly. We forget and fall back into being human instead.

Taurus 26 = South Node, Alekto (Algol) and on darkness and Furies

KEYNOTE: Peaceful adaptation to collective needs.

I have to admit that the Sabian for this eludes me a tiny bit if taking into account the contact to Algol, the Fixed star with the worst reputation, in conjunction to the Fury Alekto. I used to say that there were reasons why I could not focus on news about certain types of things too much because it brought out the Nemesis with a sickle wanting to go rampant on men committing war atrocities and the sort, especially the things perpetrated on women just to assert power, dominance and to negate the humanness of someone from the other side. However, with the discovery of Alekto on the South Node conjunct Algol, it seemed to be more in Alekto's territory than Nemesis with her punishments for going against the gods.

So whatever people's fears over Algol, the Medusa's Head, and its reputation, I fully own to having far too easy access to Alekto with her scorpion whip to punish anyone transgressing and try to deliberately steer clear of it because it is in reach just like that. It is what you come with, whatever people also say of the South Node hinting at past lives, and what monstrosities you may have perpetrated yourself with contact to Algol. It's the past, not the future, nothing to fear in it unless you ignore it fully and thus fall victim to it. Maybe it's the Scorpio North Node as well, not fearing to walk into the darkness because it's necessary, but what you have for the Taurean position seems to reflect parts of the Scorpio side more than some of the rest of it, making it difficult to tell which end of the nodes you're working with the scorpion whip at this end as well.

I have Jabberwocky at 25 degrees and Charybdis at 27 Taurus, so my South Node is surrounded by monsters of all sorts. You go too far into the region's fury and Charybdis will swallow you whole.

So in a way it makes perfect sense for the South Node to be about the need for a peaceful adaptation to collective needs. If you do not have that and know it via perhaps not having kept to it in the past, Alekto makes sure to guard against trespassing against what is fit for human behaviour. The Sabian and what is present there are at the opposite ends and I imagine it's not something that seems an easy placement to someone who doesn't have it. It's always been there for me so I wouldn't know otherwise. It's part of who you are, where you come from.

Alekto translates into English as "the implacable or unceasing anger" and Wikipedia describes her as having the "job of castigating the moral crimes (such as anger), especially if they are against other people". You may see how I'm well guarded against Algol South Node. I have my very own guardian for punishment should I digress too far to crimes against people, including anger. Mine tends to be more the flaring type than lasting sorts in any case. Hate, jealousy and the sort poison you and my self-preservation instincts tend to kick in sooner or later just to get rid of the poisons. Or so the theory goes, and what you hope to adhere to and go with more than what will kill you, on one level or another.

Which I imagine is how you take the Furies Alekto, Megaira and Tisiphone in any chart. They are there to tie you to what is right, no matter how horrendous the image or what you suffer through one, or all. You wrong, you suffer the consequences and pay the price.

Everybody has the Furies somewhere, same as Lucifer, Tezcatlipoca, Apophis or other more or less dark influences. It's what you do with them that makes the difference. The darkness is there for you to nod at and walk toward wherever it's lighter. You tend to see better once or if you do. If there is no light, people normally try sleeping during such times. Maybe it'll be brighter after you get some shut-eye. Or you'll notice that you close your eyes to such darkness every day already, anyway, and know you have to live with whatever the darkness of your mind conjures up already in any case. Why would the dark outside be much different to live with?

I believe there's a fitting quote from one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels in relation to the witch Granny Weatherwax. I cannot quote verbatim, but she was fully aware that there were things that went bump in the night, or were dangerous in the woods, and secure in her knowledge that she was one of them. To not give the wrong impression to anyone unfamiliar with the books, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone more intent on using it right for the proper social order of things than Mistress Weatherwax. Medusa never looked in the mirror I imagine, but sometimes you know you're capable of acting monstrously or badly even without that and correct strongly through the knowledge.

If you cannot change the circumstances, maybe you need to live with them instead. If you can change something to see better by walking toward the light, what are you doing still hanging around for?

To put it another way, I have to quote Yoda from the Star Wars movies. "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." You may give your power to the dark, or move beyond it by working it through, one way or another.

There is another telling scene in the Empire Strikes Back movie. Luke Skywalker asks Yoda what is in a dark tree cave he is to enter and Yoda notes "Only what you bring with you". Luke brings his lightsaber for supposed defence despite Yoda's advice that he will not need it, and faces his past and potential future in the face of his fear, Darth Vader. Sometimes there are things that you have to let go of to not become the monster feared. Sometimes you already are the unceasingly angry Alekto and need to walk away from her as well to not fall prey to her punishment.

On other fronts tying to the cheerful notes about Algol and Taurus ruling the throat and the neck, strangulations have been mentioned on some sites. I have a fondness for polo-necked shirts, but never like them so tight around the neck and thus always ruin the collars by pulling them looser. And is Algol fond of gallows humour?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gemini 10 = Psyche, Phoinix, Phaethon, Abanderada

The Sabian symbol for 10 degrees Gemini is as below. I have at least 16 Psyche, 4543 Phoinix, 3200 Phaethon and 1581 Abanderada there, along with the draconic chart DC.

KEYNOTE: The power and joy of new beginnings.
And the initial realization he has to experience is that he has reached a potentially virgin field of consciousness and activity. He is facing the unfamiliar. Anything could happen.
Psyche is said to be at home in Gemini. Phoenixes are all about rebirth and a new chance to do it all over again. Phaethon adds some speed with potential to recklessness to the proceedings. Abanderada is said to translate from Spanish for something akin a "woman waving a banner" or banderol from what I recall, stemming from Evita and her powerful evocations to the masses. There is no being shy about starting again, all over again, yet again, in a rapid cycle of renewal on psyche's level.

Whatever happens, seems to happen fast and be in a constant state of renewal, or always open for a new beginning. While new opportunities are always welcome, the danger seems to be abandoning or burning the old simply because the new seems more beckoning and already half there in potentials.

The Fixed royal star Aldebaran is 9 Gem 51' so possibly not a direct influence despite at most 30-40' orbs for everything here. The influence is however said to include "success if integrity maintained".

More humorously put, I'm reminded of bits of Billy Idol's Speed song for a combination Phaethon and perhaps Psyche.

"Blast me to heaven for loving you... Speed, gimme what I need, yeah, white lightning, let's speed on speed on wheels on wheels. Speed, oh let it bleed, greased lightning, let's speed on speed on wheels on wheels."

With Psyche's curiosity getting the better of her and costing her the relationship with Eros in the myth, initially, with Phaethon's influence she probably wouldn't have been able to wait at all. Or fall in love straight off no matter what, which may or may not bode something for me if looking at that draconic DC there as well. Add to that Abanderada and the image seems to be declaring anything pertaining to the degree to the whole world as well.

You also have Gemini playing with at least two things at the same time, on a mental level or otherwise. If there are opportunities for pioneering there, I'll probably welcome those as well.

To continue the promise of 80s songs made when I began this, there is Modern Talking's You're My Heart, You're My Soul. Psyche might sign some of the notions.

"Deep in my heart there's desire for a start, I'm dying in emotion, it's my world in fantasy. I'm living in my, living in my dream. You're my heart, you're my soul. I keep it shining everywhere I go."

"Let's close the door and believe my burning heart."

Let's not close the door though. There is too much still to explore? *runs off with excitable Phaethon some more*

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gemini 23 + Libra 28 = Mauderli, Krok, Leviathan

I also wanted to stray to a detour to something I otherwise wouldn't have gone over for a while yet since I had some time to read Lynda Hill's newsletter posts, featuring Libra 28 and its Sabian symbol to prompt this.

I chose the name Maude because it resonated with something some time before having any ideas about blogs or anything of the sort. There is no asteroid called Maude, but there is 1748 Mauderli, positioned at 23 Gemini 56'20 for me. Yes, the 23rd degree talked about on the morphing side. Coincidentally.

KEYNOTE: The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment.
Whatever Mauderli's actual meaning, which I haven't had time to look into yet aside the name connection, Rudhyar and the site's descriptions talk about growing in strength and skill through rising above the freeze of life and binding conditions for its degree here.

"He learns rhythmic freedom ("skating") by using the most binding situations ("ice") to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure and self-mobilization. // It is a mental technique inasmuch as it is through mind that man can transcend the entropy of the universal process of existence."

There may also be meaning in the fact that it's children, that you don't even need to be grown-up to manage it. Or that grown-ups rarely have the time for such things, possibly correlating more to having frozen over, water suggesting the subconscious matters in many places. Who knows?

There is a fallback in Krok coming with it for me, and most likely signifying false or twisted things even if going by meanings in languages like Swedish, where it means "hook, grapple, crook" type things. A hindrance to falsify whatever is going on in a way. Ironic as it is that a name not necessarily originally mine is pointed out by that which is false.

However, the draconic chart degree for both Mauderli and Krok is Libra 28. There are two Sabian versions below as per the site more commonly quoted and Lynda Hill's oracular book one linked to at the top.

KEYNOTE: The realization, at any level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the "community" — visible or invisible — is sustaining one's efforts."

"A Man Alone In Deep Gloom, Unnoticed, Angels Are Coming To His Aid."

"This speaks of feelings of finally not being totally alone, awareness of spiritual forces in times of need, salvation versus depression, feeling like one's luck is about to change, changes in the "weather", helpers arriving just when they're needed, brightening influences, angels and spiritual forces for good, guardian angels. Hopefully, the message of this Venus retrograde period is one of coming out of difficulties, finding friends and helpers (or being that for others) and feeling a release of energy. "
I have 8813 Leviathan at 27o44'55 Libra natally. Whatever else, it instinctively seems a bit of a devouring monster of the deep potentially capable of eating up even whatever spiritual forces there may be. If you subscribe to theories about the demonizing of previously existing gods and goddesses and look at a vast undersea creature in relation to your Sun on the "mermaid rising from the ocean" degree, it is possible to look at it also in good light, since there is a sextile between them in any case as well. Things coming from deep down. BIG things. Possibly monstrous, but big in any case.

This ignoring it all being opposite Chiron square a 12th house Cancerian Saturn-Thetis and further complications, but let us not go there yet. I did say I wasn't going to write about any of this quite yet.

The "Mer Cortina" or Mercortina blog has its Venus on the degree and is also thus working whatever it is with Leviathan's seas of depths opposite Chiron the maverick, healer, astrologer. That a name I chose would choose to appear there likewise in the draconic chart is where we get those spiritual forces and assistance going though, and some slight smiles appearing. Names are vastly important and although I had the idea for this side earlier as noted in the first post here, time passed until it was possible to put up the blog and get started, leading among other things to that Venus.

I do find it significant that a chosen name would appear first on rising above limitations and then with aid to come with it, opposite an original Greek myth astrologer, when there was no intention whatsoever to have the astrology blogs, for one. The rest about names will follow sometime later on the other side most likely.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Taurus 29 = Melchior, Sun/Moon midpoint (draconic Groom)

Melchior is the commonly attributed name for one of the three wise men or astrologer kings in attendance to pay homage to Jesus and give him their gifts after his birth. In Spain, Melchior is said to be the mage representing Europe, but otherwise places like Persia and Babylon are more common suggestions of origin. Midpoints are discussed at length on several sites, but the one between Sun and Moon is said to marry the attributes of the two big luminaries and be the most significant of them.

The Sabian symbol for 29 degrees Taurus is below. The description is again quoted from the Rudhyar related site.

KEYNOTE: The personal display of inherited gifts.
A great person able to display a multitude of gifts is always, at one level or another, the consummation of a long past of efforts and victories. As a great occultist once wrote: "Adepts are the flowering of their races and cultures." The peacock is the bird consecrated to Venus; in occult tradition the Promethean Spirits who gave to animal mankind the divine gift of self-conscious intelligence had come from "Venus" — which may or may not refer to the physical planet we can observe in the sky.

This is the final symbol of the fourth scene, whose Keyword has been given as "Confirmation." This peacock symbol indeed confirms the social status of the owner of the ancestral estate. It indicates a CONSUMMATION of individual efforts; and it suggests that such a consummation is hardly possible except when a line of "ancestors" — biological or spiritual — forms its base."
When I started this I had not systematically looked at my asteroid positions and had no idea of their individual Sabian symbols. That I would find this midpoint directly tied to an astrologer king after the Ascendant and draconic MC got the "Constellations of stars at night" is rather amusing, but not the last good match.

Melchior seems by nature of the stories to be tied to either where we get or give gifts. The magi are said to tie to Zoroastrianism as well. The Wikipedia article on Angra Mainyu, the evil counterpart of the "Bountiful Spirit" Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrinism, has an interesting tie-in to peacocks, despite their apparently being used as guard "dogs" against intruders in India.

"Zurvanism's principal feature is then the notion that both Ahura Mazda (MP: Ohrmuzd) and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) were twin brothers, with the former being the epitome of good and the latter being the epitome of evil. Further, this dichotomy was by choice, that is, Angra Mainyu chose to be evil: "It is not that I cannot create anything good, but that I will not." And to prove this, he created the peacock."

Melchior brings gifts and the Sabian displays them. Whatever I know about astrology or anything theoretical otherwise is obviously built on generations of other people's work.

Peacocks are tied to the eyes on their tails, relating to Argos Panoptes with his hundred eyes. Argos guarded Io for Hera for a time before Hermes lulled him to sleep and slay him to free her. Hera then placed the eyes of her faithful servant in the tail of a peacock. Eyes see, as they say. I have Io conjunct my Sun, Hermes opposite them by one degree.

Interestingly, there is a painting of the Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi with a peacock prominently positioned. Peacocks (or peafowl as I'm now told), are also the national bird of India, with their tails renewing every year for a symbol of renewal. This site points out their closeness to legendary phoenixes. This one says they "prefer peace and harmony and will try to avoid commotion".

I'll endeavour to talk more about the potentials of Groom once I get around to 25 Capricorn, natally "A Nature Sprit Dancing In The Iridescent Mist Of A Waterfall," but for now shall merely be amused over a potential mate or a partner, a groom to be, matching the Sun/Moon midpoint on the karmic, nodal level. As one would possibly expect as well in an ideal case, but even so.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Leo 6 = Ascendant, Taranis, Enya, Philia

My Ascendant is 6 Leo 53' 21". To quote the Khaldea site on Sabian symbols again, we get the following description.

KEYNOTE: The power of basic spiritual values which refer to man's common humanity and to all enduring archetypes.

Every people on this Earth has developed the concept of constellations, probably because of a need to find order in existence and to personalize everything that could be given a permanent form. Such personalizations can be called "psychic projections," but the projection concept should be worked out both ways. If man projects his basic human nature upon the star-filled night sky, is it not just as logical to say that the universe projects its own forever-evolving patterns of order upon human nature? In either case we deal with archetypal factors which endure through a long series of generations.
The Keyword here is PERMANENCE."
Even without the interpretation below the Keynote line, as someone interested in astrology from at least the age of nine, to discover that your Ascendant is based on the constellations in the night seems nothing but right. As with the Sun's Sabian symbol, there is a feeling of familiarity and rightness for things.

To put it otherwise, would you take into consideration the astrological views of someone with their Ascendant on the symbolic constellations? ;) I'm personally starting to consider it.

I have a Mutable Grand Cross and other patterns galore going on in my chart as well as some other things that potentially add to my restlessness or unsettledness in interests or focuses, but throughout the years there has generally remained an interest in astrology. Cyclical as things always tend to be with me, with any returns to things leading the spiral deeper or further into whatever it is, astrology has seemed to have the most depth or the most to study or look into.

I do love the stars in the night sky in general though and astrophysics seemed interesting when I was in my late teens, but I move more on symbolic fronts.

Other than my Ascendant, at current I only remember 5370 Taranis, 6433 Enya and 280 Philia for other things present at 6 Leo. Taranis is 14 minutes away from the AC, the rest I don't recall right now. A thunder god with the wheel symbol prominent in his imagery, you could probably spin a lot out of that. I'll however not try to reinvent the wheel and go with what I recall from M.A. Holmes's description tying Taranis with technology, especially communications. I do like computers and robots if nothing else, and would love a proper space exploration program, even if it's limited to the closest things in our solar system for now. All that is meaningless when I like a zillion other things as well, but exists in any case.

On another note, there is nothing quite like lightning in the night sky. A glorious view.

Enya comes from the Irish singer Enya, "little fire", but is interpreted by me also to refer to the goddess Enyo or Enyalius through her being the Greek counterpart of Bellona, which is opposite my Sun/Moon midpoint. There probably is an Irish connection as well, but I haven't looked into that side for me personally. Enyo is "warlike", described as "supreme in war", and I suspect I may come off as seeming more belligerent than I expect through her and Bellona.

Enya may suggest something more ethereal as well given the singer's otherworldly style. I would need to look at it in the charts of people who do not have Bellona and other things positioned strongly to compare whether the goddess or mortal wins, or if both potentials feature with Enya. I remember Enya the best from her "Sail away" hit, but as she also featured for the Lord of the Rings movie music, there seems to be a strong instinctual connection to sailing to other worlds beyond this one. I also assume Celtic music may feature.

Philia is Brotherly Love, including that even of fellow voyagers. The direct link may or may not work, but Google "Philia asteroid" and the top result should lead you to a book with talk about it. The following is from Wikipedia however.

"Thus acts of philia might seem to be essentially egoistic, performed apparently to help others, but in fact intended to increase the agent's happiness. This, however, confuses the nature of the action with its motivation; the good person doesn't perform an action to help a friend because it will give her fulfillment; she performs it in order to help the friend, and in performing it makes both her friend and herself happy. The action is thus good both in itself and for the effect it has on the agent's happiness."

Other than those, at least my draconic chart MC, Desdemona and Midsomer Norton fall on 6 degrees Leo. More of those once I get to early Aries.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of astrology. The stars are there for everyone. Why try to keep them to myself?

Leo 28 = Cortina, Tutenchamun, Louhi, Huya, Pecker

My Sun is at 28 degrees 19'44" Leo in my chart. The degree is shared by asteroids like 50240 Cortina, 1629 Pecker, 4848 Tutenchamun, 38628 Huya, 85 Io and 3897 Louhi at least, out of the ones I currently remember or know about.

The Sabian symbol for Leo 29 is below. I have quoted some of the text from a Dane Rudhyar/Astrological mandala site that comes up among the first options when googling Sabian symbols.

KEYNOTE: The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.

"The mermaid personifies a stage of awareness still partially enveloped by the ever-moving and ever-elusive ocean of the collective Unconscious, yet already half formulated by the conscious mind.
I'm talking Cortina first because while people say that planets within 17 minutes of the Sun are purified Cazimi ones, I have Cortina 17 seconds conjunct my Sun.

Cortina gets interpreted by me through the Regulus conjunction of the late Leo degrees. Regulus, the heart of the lion, Cor Lionis or something of the sort as listed on sites about Fixed stars. Cor Tina, the heart of Tina then, ignoring the actual meaning further below. The name has some meaning to me on personal levels, yes, should you be wondering. Tina stems primarily from Christina and Christine, meaning a Christian person.

Alternatively, Cor Tina for a heart of tin? The word also sounds like "court in a" or even "courting a (something)". Or Ford Cortina cars, at a pinch. Which would you prefer? Given the Cor-Heart interpretation, should we be looking at the heart of Christianity through the positions of Cortina? Mother Theresa had Cortina 1 degree conjunct her Sun likewise, if going by a chart and time found from Google.

Cortina as an asteroid is supposed to tie to the Cortina d'Ampezzo Italian mountain holiday resort and was discovered by an observatory in the area, but for now I'm not feeling connections to the place in my case. I'd need to look into the 1956 winter Olympics having been held there as well though, same as some James Bond movie connection, but as I dislike winter as it manifests in Northern countries or high-altitude mountainous regions, I am not entirely or necessarily at ease with the heart of winter the closest to my Sun. It might reflect Louhi coming from the North as well perhaps, but I would need to think more closely on it to say more in this case.

I do however find it interesting that Wikipedia has "German: Hayden" listed for its name. Cortina d'Ampezzo is supposed to mean "Graveyard of Ampezzo" if you trust the Wikipedia article. My first mental connection from the German name is haven, and it suits my image of graveyards as well. I've always found them highly peaceful and resonating places for the most part. They have history and depth.

The coat of arms appears to have a tower with two fir trees on both sides of it. Towers and that I may relate to, mountains, not particularly. Being encircled and closed in 360 degrees by the Dolomites or any other mountains does not seem an ideal scenario to me, but may reflect something of Cortina's nature then. A valley surrounded on all sides? Is this death or the grave, peace with no apparent out? But why would you want out either - or - you need to pass the mountains to get out? I wouldn't know. The place itself comes with the valley and holiday resort in any case, so is more pleasant in associations despite everything people may fear about graveyards.

Cortina translates to curtain, screen or hanging on Google, so either the Sun gets behind and past anything of the sort to shine and illuminate things even so, or everything shines through a shimmering pair of curtains or is screened. Something screened would correlate with things buried in the graveyard of the Cortina d'Ampezzo village translation. Otherwise, something either hangs in the way or provides shade.

Pecker I believe gets known through the colloquial meanings. We are talking dick here, if you'll pardon my French. From what I recall, there was a site somewhere that spent a long time analyzing the position of relevant asteroids in the chart of Bill Clinton, Pecker being one of the ones featured in relation to his scandals.

I am female, the Sun is said to tie to the masculine forces in the chart. That I'm heterosexual has no bearing on Pecker's position, but I do happen to be that, yes. I may go into some of the asteroids that refer to the male member at some stage in any case, given the connection, while also noting that none seem to exist in asteroids in relation to female anatomy. Even if going by mere surnames of scientists that happen to match slang words for penis.

Noblesse oblige, Pecker must in any case?

In this case I also see Pecker as being a joke of the universe. Things that are one thing but get understood or seen as something else simply because the masses titter over such a thing as their joke. Reinterpretations of meanings happening whether it actually has anything to do with the subject matter or not.

There is also pecking at things, keeping poking at them? Woodpecker becomes the Sun-pecker in my case.

I slightly disagree with what I recently read about the asteroid Tutenchamun being strongly positioned in a person's chart denoting their interest in Egyptology from the archaeological or "grave-digging" point of view. It may in part and in my case seems to tie to (metaphorical) graves and poking at things, but the popular image of Tutenchamun or Tutankhamen is still the glorious gold and blue death mask everybody sees pictures of sooner or later in their lives. That is what he's primarily about to people. Gold and thus far the most glorious discovery of Egyptology throughout time. Pomp. The big thing, the showiest or grandest thing there is.

Then again, it is conjunct my Leo Sun and a Cazimi one by 5-6 minutes, so you may have to excuse my grandiosity coming in the way of everything else.

Most people don't think about Tut having been so young even when he died, or that he was a minor pharaoh compared to some of the most accomplished or glorious ones. Tutankhamen is less than we understand him to be, but a vision of a luxurious world gone all too long ago. He is a gift from the past, something kept secret through time until the time to discover the tomb? After that, he becomes one of the main symbols for what he relates to. Egyptology on the whole in general, but if such symbolic leaps were to hold otherwise as well, well, who knows?

Louhi is a matriarch and mistress or ruler of the North in the Finnish national epic Kalevala. The heroes of Kalevala come to her land to court her daughter and she sets them tasks in the typical mythological story pattern. I'm currently not sure how exactly she's involved with magic aside from having the power to lock away both the Sun and the Moon in a nigh Amaterasu-deal in a cave, but apparently she has power of some sort even on other magical fronts. Especially with frost and cold and shape-shifting. With my Moon 2 degree orb opposite my Sun conjunct Louhi, she seems significantly positioned.

One thing she asks from the heroes is for them to make her the Sampo, which is some sort of a mill for three types of riches. However, when her daughter prefers a younger and better looking suitor to the old wizard and whoever it was, the "heroes" take a grudge to her having the riches and steal the Sampo and run off. She transforms into some sort of a big bird creature and flies after them, and in the ensuing battle, the Sampo thing is lost into the sea. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is still a better option than her letting the "heroes" have it willy-nilly.

The asteroid Louhi could thus denote a position of female power and asking for things in return for something, but with the potential of others not liking your having them in the end and having to fight for it?

So we have doubly the hearts of things or "court in a" Regulus Leo Sun in conjunction to something peckish, or peckerish in dishes perhaps reinterpreted, a grandiose vision of a king from something long gone, and a witch of transformations and enchantments ruling the North, willing to fight for what she sees as hers. I think I'm cool with that. ;)

However, for potential dangers inherent, there is the fact that with so much for the Sun, the ego, you, when the Sun is also said to reflect a part of what a woman wants in their men, who would ever do for such a mate? I don't know of Louhi having a partner or consort named either, although I could be wrong.

There is in any case the imagery of changing shape and asking for something to be put into form to benefit and bring riches to you and your people, even with the danger of losing it into the depths of the sea if stolen and there is a contest for it. With the Sabian symbol having a mermaid and an interpretation talking of the sea "of the collective Unconscious", you could take such things as symbolically "potent-full". It's also reflected in what the posts are in a way, taking inklings and trying to put them into shape.

Io was a nymph of Hera's who caught the eye of Zeus and despite at least initially resisting, was seduced (?) by Zeus in the shape of a cloud. She was then changed into a cow to hide things from Hera. Because of Hera's jealousy or wrath she ended up driven to and plagued in Egypt for a long time before an eventual return to humanoid form. She's apparently known as "the horned virgin".

Without any of that, my first thought of Io is the Io9 website with their more science fiction related talk. There appears to be a theme of shape-changing with her as well in any case, and if you like, a king of gods for a lover, although causing you harm more so. I don't think I have a handle on Io for the moment though, although considered her as a stand-in for Iole in relation to Herakles at one stage, there appearing to be no asteroid named Iole that would correspond to the highly archetypal energies from the myth missing for now. Her story is fascinating and you should look it up sometime.

Louhi is also alleged to refer to an underworld goddess Loviatar, the Kalevala epic having been sewn together from bits and pieces by the gatherer Lönnrot. I find this significant only because Cortina apparently means graveyard and I have Tutenchamun conjunct those two. Three things that could relate to something buried or under the surface, dug out or otherwise. If the Sun brings light to or purifies that with which it is conjunct, dead or buried things (of or with power?) or the subconscious seem lit up or burning with solar fusion in my case then. Or maybe I should consider a career in undertaking, wrong direction as it seems with all that. I'm choosing to ignore that Io got harassed into Egypt for another connection to Tut, for now.

Having since first writing these read Mark Andrew Holmes's views on some asteroids, it appears there are certain similarities between what I felt for Tutenchamun and what he notes for that particular asteroid. He lists "service, awareness of something missing, environmentalism, failure to pay attention" for Huya, "a god of the Wayuu Indians of northwestern Venezuela and northeastern Colombia who is associated with the rainy season". I'm not entirely sure what to make of all the aspects listed at the site though when mine comes with the Sun and thus seems automatically more whatever than anything listed there.

Huya is right at the end of the degree, 59' past it. I know there are a lot of things missing, but I assume one doesn't need Huya to tell you such things. Cortina d'Ampezzo's Wiki-article noted the water sources as well, but I also doubt my particular connection makes for generic ones. I have served and find it a noble enough in its own way, depending on the type of service. I don't agree with all angles of everything I've read at the site thus far, but have no information beyond that to say anything about Huya even on instinctual guess levels for starting points.

Huya is however a plutino, tied to Neptune, so there is a watery connection through that in its way as well. It's big and it should be noted, but we haven't seemed to figure out how yet. "Juyá — god of rain, a warrior, hunter, seducer and inhabitant of “the place beyond the Sun.”"

That it's on the mermaid Sabian degree however, well, that is entirely up to you in interpretations again. If you think I've missed something as well, please comment or email me with more insights.

But why would it work? Why would you care, if it works?

I recently read someone say something about how since there are thousands of small asteroids and other objects being found in the solar system all the time, they cannot have any significance in anybody's astrological charts. I instinctively disagree. It's not the researched approach, but to me the appearance and inclusion by some of such things in their astrological work reflects the world as it is these days.

We are no longer merely about the big things. We have an increasingly fractured world that specializes and turns into specific niches more and more. How wouldn't the asteroids, centaurs and Kuiper belt objects fit into astrology for a world like that?

Not everybody responds to everything in the world either. We don't all need to respond to everything, do we? We reflect different things or levels, whatever you want to call it. Basically, as the argument goes that nothing up there can have any influence on people in any case, why are you dismissing the asteroids simply because there are so many of them to deal with? If Fixed Stars have influence, why not a rock a few kilometres wide somewhat closer, IF anything of the sort is taken to have any influence at all?

My main approach is "If it works, it works". I don't necessarily care why, I just want to look at if it works in similar fashions for large groups of people otherwise as well. If it doesn't for everybody, then it doesn't. If it works for a large group even so, then it works for them. Since I don't have large groups of people at hand, I'm forced to start from my perspective first. The rest of the work can follow when it can.

I know how subjective symbolic interpretation can get with Tarot cards or more, but am more on the "working on subjective levels" sides when it comes to focus on people. Who am I to judge another religion than whatever mine might be working deeply for another person, or belief in the football season being the light of someone else's life?

The Alpha, if not the Omega, in whys

I appear to have need of an astrological blog on the side. Astrology, asteroids and archetypes was born finally somewhere toward or before 5am on 7.11.2010 in thoughts and the phone claims 05:11am for the first words written. Probably a minute earlier but hey, 11 is cooler, what? I slept a bit earlier, should you be wondering about the time.

There are many things and so little time, again, and your holistic (to some degree) or Everything At Once approach kills individual posts, but I'll try to limit myself on topics to work through things.

"Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?" and "And I felt it welling inside me, like a sneeze, or an orgasm, determined to come out, will-I or never-so," with "Atlantis is calling, S.O.S. for love" as some quotes that relate to some of the things in mind. Bad (?) 80s songs and Sandman quotes galore it's to be then, I see. You'll have to wait for the relevant posts to see why.

Archetypes. Songs reflect them as well, and since the approach will be highly intuitive at best, it is "Whatever works". It's not up to me to decide if it works for others or if they get any further insights from whatever you may get in images.

I recently finally found a list of Sabian symbol descriptions as well, so those will feature along even if I'd disagree on some nuances at times. I may or may not be drawn to draw or illustrate whatever over time. Hope that I would be, since that would mean getting over my ever persistent reluctance and actually feeling something enough for it to force its way through despite that. Like writing any of these, hopefully. There is a need only for so long and then it's gone, apparently. You can put it down to Mars in Gemini or that involved in a mutable Grand Cross all you like if you like, I don't particularly care or know if it's such things alone.

Things go in cycles for me and when it's time for something, it's time. There is also so much and so little time when it comes to it that I need to try and work on such things through something like this if at all possible.

When asking for a current Sabian at the Lynda Hill site Oracle page a day before the thought for this in any case, the following was got. Make of it what you will.


You may be holding back your ideas because you think it has all been done before, but it is yet to be done your way. Bring out something new and it will revitalize those around you. Looking at things in a different light will allow you to revision old thought forms with new. Try to find new solutions to old ideas.

Reinterpretation. New dimensions of consciousness breaking through old thought forms. Quantum science.

The Caution: Rejecting old ideas because they are old, instead of reforming them OR stick with the tried and true and not changing with the times.