As already seen through two of the Furies, I have little choice and cannot ignore the darker aspects of asteroids. Everybody has them, but for some people some of the ones with a bad reputation feature more prominently. So I thought I'd tackle two more ominous-sounding ones given the Sabian in relation to the potential mentioned.
KEYNOTE: The life urge to actualize one's birth potential.
1980 Tezcatlipoca is the Mayan god of darkness and a counterpart for his light twin Quetzalcoatl. The name "smoking mirror" alludes to his magician and diviner side through the mirror of obsidian used for seeing things. It also points out something about seeing things not yet there. It's easier to discern what it is against a dark background. Staring into the light just makes you blind and leads to a darkness of other sorts. You may see the afterimages for a while, but again, they're set against a darker background.
However, Mark Andrew Holmes suggests Tezcatlipoca stands for "darkness, scheming, giving without taking; criminal, evil, predatory or antisocial behavior; the occult, materialism, opportunism; the anti-hero, the sorcerer or other individual who considers himself or herself above the written and unwritten laws that govern human conduct." Combine that with the most ominous figure from Christian lore, Lucifer the Light-Bringer, the proudest of the host of angels, the first among the Fallen, and it's not a pretty picture, is it?
While I writing this don't have handy links about the potentials inherent in the asteroid 1930 Lucifer in anyone's chart, I know there are pages where they're discussed. You can go two routes with Lucifer, like with most things. You can get stuck in the lower patterns or you can elevate it to a better force in your life.
Everyone has Lucifer, everyone has Tezcatlipoca, like I wrote in relation to Alekto already. Tezcatlipoca is the other creator of the Mayan universe and a powerful figure in his own right if not merely compared against his lighter, "good" twin. There are situations where opportunism will save or help you. Scheming may save you a lot of work under certain circumstances, whatever people think about it.
Let's take Tezcatlipoca scheming in today's PR-oriented world. Quetzalcoatl needs to be taken down a peg, doesn't he? What to do, what to do? I know. Quetzalcoatl is known as the Feathered Serpent. Serpents are evil to Christians, so surely he's evil as well then. All I need to do is sell that to unsuspecting folks, and I'm sorted.
And maybe shine up my own image a little. Damn darkness and its bad rap.
Actually, please don't take that as an example of what Tezcatlipoca would think or do, since I'm sure he would resort to something better than my limited examples. The example may however work as one for how Lucifer conjunct that in connection to 134 Sophrosyne while sextile Mercury may show up. Meet the quintessential spin doctor.
Sophrosyne stands for the virtue of "equanimity, healthy mind and impartiality" and is suggested to be the antonym for hubris, something for which Lucifer may be said to have fallen. If you put together the two ends and mix in pure opportunism and considering yourself above laws, you may start reading laws and behaviours like the devil reads the bible, as the saying goes. After all, is it not more impartial to point out the flaws of the traditionally good to balance the field, too? What is good and is everything wholly evil in the end?
That's one way of going about it with influences from the asteroids combined. Sophrosyne may never function as purely as in conjunction to a more congenial asteroid to complement its influences, but it also does not merely mean an interpretation like the above -which still has its own validity at least to every Libra who ever lived and pondered similar things. ;)
Lucifer may shine and Sophrosyne influencing it with her "healthy mind" may help in the process. Letting go of pride leading to hubris can be a very difficult process, but one that a combination like the above may also lead to. Actualizing your birth potential to the max accepts no less, although again has to fight against pridefulness creeping in.
Still, as the Rudhyar-related description of the Sabian also suggests, seeds grow in the dark of the earth and cannot reach for the light without that period. "The Keyword is GROWTH" says it all. From darkness to light, whatever is in you will grow and show according to how you feed it. Sometimes you don't even know what the seed is and what the fruits or flowers you'll end up with.
On a more interpersonal level, I also have long term experience with Lucifer and this degree in synastry. My father's Ascendant falls here as well. It is in a way a family crisis point or something that gets emphasized one way or another in all our charts, my mother having Uranus near to stir up things all the more and my brother his Sun. I get to play the Lucifer-asteroid side in the pot.
With the following quick recap of aspects, you can probably imagine certain versions of interactions in any case. My father is a triple Aries (Sun, Moon, Venus) with my Pluto opposite both his Sun and Moon. He has a T-square with his Aries luminaries opposing Chiron square Saturn following his Ascendant. I have a massive amount of guardian type "Good vibes, here to help" asteroids where his retrograde Pluto falls. If you put any heed to karmic relationships, it's probably not a stretch to see a heavily karmic relationship played out with some of the things present.
Somebody's got to live through all that as well? It's been "interesting"? What does one say? Lucifer is Work In Progress and while there may have been growth and much more still to come on such fronts should we simply survive through it, it can be a bit of a difficult one to make shine if it features strongly. Unfortunately in such cases, you rarely have a choice about it.
Sometimes knowing what you need to do isn't as easy to put into action as you may hope. Sometimes you see the patterns and still haven't enough clues how to get past near shell-shocked responses to past traumas. They do however say that knowing is half the battle and forewarned is forearmed or some such things, so I'll take my weapons and.. try not to use them. Sophrosyne may prefer that.
P.S. of sorts once back to online access again... I see that Evolutionary Astrology was one place where I read about Lucifer in the past. Tom Jacobs refers to it as an "inner goodness barometer" and talks about it being "the voice of doubt in us all" elsewhere, learning ourselves what works for us.